domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Does infinity exist?

by John D. Barrow

In the latest poll of our Science fiction, science fact project you told us that you wanted to know if infinity exists. Here is an answer, based on an interview with the cosmologist John D. Barrow. Clickhere to see other articles on infinity and here to listen to our interview with Barrow as a podcast.
Does infinity exist?
This is a surprisingly ancient question. It was Aristotle who first introduced a clear distinction to help make sense of it. He distinguished between two varieties of infinity. One of them he called a potential infinity: this is the type of infinity that characterises an unending Universe or an unending list, for example the natural numbers 1,2,3,4,5,..., which go on forever. These are lists or expanses that have no end or boundary: you can never reach the end of all numbers by listing them, or the end of an unending universe by travelling in a spaceship. Aristotle was quite happy about these potential infinities, he recognised that they existed and they didn't create any great scandal in his way of thinking about the Universe.
Aristotle distinguished potential infinities from what he calledactual infinities. These would be something you could measure, something local, for example the density of a solid, or the brightness of a light, or the temperature of an object, becoming infinite at a particular place or time. You would be able to encounter this infinity locally in the Universe. Aristotle banned actual infinities: he said they couldn't exist. This was bound up with his other belief, that there couldn't be a perfect vacuum in nature. If there could, he believed you would be able to push and accelerate an object to infinite speed because it would encounter no resistance.
For several thousands of years Aristotle's philosophy underpinned Western and Christian dogma and belief about the nature of the Universe. People continued to believe that actual infinities could not exist, in fact the only actual infinity that was supposed to exist was the divine.

Mathematical infinities

But in the world of mathematics things changed towards the end of the 19th century when the mathematician Georg Cantor developed a more subtle way of defining mathematical infinities. Cantor recognised that there was a smallest type of infinity: the unending list of natural numbers 1,2,3,4,5, ... . He called this a countable infinity. Any other infinity that could be counted by putting its members in one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers was also called a countable infinity.
The even numbers are in one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers.
This idea had some funny consequences. For example, the list of all even numbers is also a countable infinity. Intuitively you might think there are only half as many even numbers as natural numbers because that would be true for a finite list. But when the list becomes unending that is no longer true. You can draw a line from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 4 and from 3 to 6 and so on forever in the two lists. Every even number will be joined to one and only one number in the list of natural numbers, so there are as many numbers in the one list as there are in the other. This fact was first noticed by Galileo (although he counted the squares 1, 4, 9, 16, ..., rather than the even numbers) who thought it was so strange that it put him off thinking about infinite collections of things any further. He thought there was just something dangerously paradoxical about them. For Cantor, though, this feature of being able to create a one-to-one correspondence between a set of numbers and a subset of them was the defining characteristic of an infinite set.
Similarly, the list of all the rational numbers, that is all the fractions, is a countable infinity. The way to count those systematically is to add the numerator and the denominator, and then first write down all the fractions for which this sum is 2 (there is only one, 1/1), then all the ones for which it is 3 (1/2 and 2/1), and so on. Each time you are counting only a finite number of fractions (the number of fractions p/q where p+q=n is n-1). This is an infallible recipe for counting all the rational numbers: you won't miss any. This shows that the rational numbers are countable too, even though in an intuitive sense there seem to be lots more of them than there are natural numbers.
Cantor then went on to show that there are also other types of infinity that are in some sense infinitely larger because they cannot be counted in this way. One such infinity is characterised by the list of all real numbers. These cannot be counted; there is no recipe for listing them systematically. This uncountable infinity is also called the continuum.
But finding this infinitely bigger set of the real numbers wasn't the end of the story. Cantor showed that you could find infinitely bigger sets still, all the way upwards forever: there was no biggest possible infinite collection of things. If someone presented you with an infinite set A, you could create a bigger one that wasn't in one-to-one correspondence with A just by finding the collection of all the possible subsets of A. This never-ending tower of infinities pointed towards something calledabsolute infinity — an unreachable summit of the tower of infinities. (You can find out more about Cantor's work in the Plus article A glimpse of Cantor's paradise.)
Mathematically, Cantor treated infinities not just as potential, but as actual. You could add them together — a countable infinity plus another countable infinity is a countable infinity — and so on. There was a great fuss in mathematics about whether this should be allowed. Some mathematicians thought that by allowing Cantor's transfinite quantities, as they were called, into mathematics, you were introducing some type of subtle contradiction somewhere. And if you introduce contradictions into a logical system, then eventually you will be able to prove that anything is true, so it would bring about the collapse of the whole system of mathematics.
This worry has led to the definition of finitist or constructivist mathematics, which only allows mathematical objects that you can construct by a finite sequence of logical arguments. Your mathematics then becomes a bit like what your computer can do. You set down certain axioms and only things that can be deduced from them by a finite sequence of logical steps are considered true. This means that you're not allowed to use proof by contradiction (or the law of the excluded middle) as an axiom, proposing that something does not exist and then deriving a contradiction from that proposition to conclude that it must exist. Nineteenth century proponents of this constructivist view were the Dutch mathematician LEJ Brouwer and Leopold Kroneker and in the twentieth centuryHermann Weyl was interested in it for a period. There are still some mathematicians who want to define mathematics in this way for philosophical reasons and others who are just interested in what you can prove if you do define it in this restricted way. (To find out more about this, read the Plusarticle Constructive maths.)
But generally Cantor's ideas have been accepted and today they form their own sub-branch of pure mathematics. This has led some philosophers, and even some theologians, to rethink their ancient attitudes to infinities. Because there are quite different varieties of infinity, it is clear that you don't have to regard the appearance of mathematical infinity as some sort of challenge to the divine as the medieval theologians believed. Cantor's ideas were at first actually taken up more enthusiastically by contemporay theologians than by mathematicians.
Scientists also started to distinguish between mathematical and physical infinities. In mathematics, if you say something "exists", what you mean is that it doesn't introduce a logical contradiction given a particular set of rules. But it doesn't mean that you can have one sitting on your desk or that there's one running around somewhere. Unicorns are not a logical impossibility but that doesn't mean that one exists biologically. When mathematicians demonstrated that non-Euclidean geometries can exist, they showed that there's an axiomatic system which permits them that is not self-contradictory. (You can find out more about non-Euclidean geometries in the article Strange geometries.)

Physical infinities

So infinities in modern physics have become separate from the study of infinities in mathematics. One area in physics where infinities are sometimes predicted to arise is aerodynamics or fluid mechanics. For example, you might have a wave becoming very, very steep and non-linear and then forming a shock. In the equations that describe the shock wave formation some quantities may become infinite. But when this happens you usually assume that it's just a failure of your model. You might have neglected to take account of friction or viscosity and once you include that into your equations the velocity gradient becomes finite — it might still be very steep, but the viscosity smoothes over the infinity in reality. In most areas of science, if you see an infinity, you assume that it's down to an inaccuracy or incompleteness of your model.
string diagram
Two particles meeting form a sharp corner (left) but two loops coming together are like two pairs of trousers sown together. (The trouser diagram has time going downwards and space horizontal.)
In particle physics there has been a much longer-standing and more subtle problem. Quantum electrodynamics is the best theory in the whole of science, its predictions are more accurate than anything else that we know about the Universe. Yet extracting those predictions presented an awkward problem: when you did a calculation to see what you should observe in an experiment you always seemed to get an infinite answer with an extra finite bit added on. If you then subtracted off the infinity, the finite part that you were left with was the prediction you expected to see in the lab. And this always matched experiment fantastically accurately. This process of removing the infinities was calledrenormalisation. Many famous physicists found it deeply unsatisfactory. They thought it might just be a symptom of a theory that could be improved.
This is why string theory created great excitement in the 1980s and why it suddenly became investigated by a huge number of physicists. It was the first time that particle physicists found a finite theory, a theory which didn't have these infinities popping up. The way it did it was to replace the traditional notion that the most basic entities in the theory (for example photons or electrons) should be point-like objects that move through space and time and so trace out lines in spacetime. Instead, string theory considers the most basic entities to be lines, or little loops, which trace out tubes as they move. When you have two point-like particles moving through space and interacting, it's like two lines hitting one another and forming a sharp corner at the place where they meet. It's that sharp corner in the picture that's the source of the infinities in the description. But if you have two loops coming together, it's rather like two legs of a pair of trousers. Then two more loops move out from the interaction — that's like sewing another pair of trousers onto the first pair. What you get is a smooth transition. This was the reason why string theory was so appealing, it was the first finite theory of particle physics.

Cosmological infinities

Black hole
Simulated view of a black hole. Image: Alain Riazuelo.
Another type of infinity arises in gravitation theory and cosmology. Einstein's theory of general relativity suggests that an expanding Universe (as we observe ours to be) started at a time in the finite past when its density was infinite — this is what we call the Big Bang. Einstein's theory also predicts that if you fell into a black hole, and there are many black holes in our Galaxy and nearby, you would encounter an infinite density at the centre. These infinities, if they do exist, would be actual infinities.
People's attitudes to these infinities differ. Cosmologists who come from particle physics and are interested in what string theory has to say about the beginning of the Universe would tend to the view that these infinities are not real, that they are just an artifact of the unfinished character of our theory. There are others, Roger Penrose is one for example, who think that that the initial infinity at the beginning of the Universe plays a very important role in the structure of physics. But even if these infinities are an artifact, the density still becomes stupefyingly high: 1096 times bigger than that of water. For all practical purposes that's so high that we need a description of the effects of quantum theory on the character of space, time and gravity to understand what goes on there.
Something very odd can happen if we assume that our Universe will eventually stop expanding and contract back to another infinity, a big crunch. That big crunch could be non-simultaneous because some parts of the Universe, where there are galaxies and so on, are denser than others. The places that are denser will run into their future infinities before the low-density regions. If we were in a bit of the Universe that had a greatly delayed future infinity, or even none at all, then we could look back and see the end of the Universe happening in other places — we would see something infinite. You might see evidence of space and time coming to an end elsewhere.
But it's hard to predict exactly what you will see if an actual infinity arises somewhere. The way our Universe is set up at the moment, there is a curious defense mechanism. A simple interpretation of things suggests that there is an infinite density occurring at the centre of every black hole, which is just like the infinity at the end of the Universe. But a black hole creates a horizon around this phenomenon: not even light can escape from its vicinity. So we are insulated, we cannot see what goes on at those places where the density looks as though it's going to be infinite. And neither can the infinity influence us. These horizons protect us from the consequences of places where the density might be infinite and they stop us seeing what goes on there, unless of course we are inside a black hole.
Another question is whether our Universe is spatially finite or infinite. I think we can never know. It could be finite but of a size that is arbitrarily large. But to many people the idea of a finite Universe immediately raises the question of what is beyond. There is no beyond — the Universe is everything there is. To understand this, let's think of two-dimensional universes because they are easier to envisage. If we pick up a sheet of A4 paper we see that it has an edge, so how could it be that a finite Universe doesn't have an edge? But the point is that the piece of paper is flat. If we think of a closed 2D surface that's curved, like the surface of a sphere, then the area of the sphere is finite: you only need a finite amount of paint to paint it. But if you walk around on it, unlike with the flat piece of paper, you never encounter an edge. So curved spaces can be finite but have no boundary or edge.
To understand an expanding two-dimensional Universe, let's first think of the infinite case in which the Universe looks the same on average wherever you go. Then wherever you stand and look around you, it looks as though the Universe is expanding away from you at the centre because every place is like the centre. For a finite spherical universe, imagine the sphere as the balloon with the galaxies marked on the surface. When you start to inflate it the galaxies start to recede from one another. Wherever you stand on the surface of the balloon you would see all those other galaxies expanding away from you as the rubber expands. The centre of the expansion is not on the surface, it is in another dimension, in this case the 3rd dimension. So our three-dimensional Universe, if it is finite and positively curved, behaves as though it's the three-dimensional surface of an imaginary four-dimensional ball.
The sphere has positive curvature, the saddle has negative curvature and the flat plane has zero curvature. The triangles are formed by drawing the shortest lines between pairs of points. Where the sum of the angles exceeds (is less than) 180 degrees the surface has positive (negative) curvature. When it equals 180 degrees the surface is flat, with zero curvature. Image courtesy NASA.
Einstein told us that the geometry of space is determined by the density of material in it. Rather like a rubber trampoline: if you put material on the trampoline it deforms the curvature. If there is a lot of material in the space, it causes a huge depression and the space closes up. So a high density Universe requires a spherical geometry and it will have a finite volume. But if you have relatively little material present to deform space, you get a negatively curved space, shaped like a saddle or a potato crisp. Such a negatively curved space can continue to be stretched and expand forever. A low density Universe, if it has a simple geometry, will have an infinite size and volume. But if it has a more exotic topology, like a torus, it could also have a finite volume. One of the mysteries about Einstein's equations is that they tell you how you can work out the geometry from the distribution of matter, but his equations have nothing to say about the topology of the Universe. Maybe a deeper theory of quantum gravity will have something to say about that.

About the author

John D. Barrow is Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge, author of many popular science books and director of the Millennium Mathematics Project of which Plus is a part.
Barrow is the author of The infinite book: A short guide to the boundless, timeless and endless, which tells you lots more about infinity. His Book of universes is also relevant to the last part of this article about cosmology and string theory. See the links below for both books.

Cuestionario sobre Infinitos

1) ¿Cuántas variedades de infinitos distinguió Aristóteles?
2) ¿Cómo se llama el tipo de infinito que desarrolló el matemático George Cantor ?
3) ¿Es un infinito contable el conjunto de los números racionales?
4) Encuentra un ejemplo de un infinito no contable.
5) ¿Cuáles fueron las consecuencias del nuevo concepto de infinito introducido por Cantor? ¿Fueron aceptadas sus ideas ?
6) Nombrar otros tipos de infinitos que no sean los infinitos matemáticos.


sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Números Primos 

The distribution of prime numbers is one of the most difficult questions in mathematics. There are ways to arrange prime numbers so that some interesting patterns emerge, but yet the actual distribution remains irrational and transcendental.

The first 10 seconds of this animation show over 13 thousands prime numbers arranged in circles of 720 slots each. Only the slots corresponding to prime numbers are filled in with black ink. The distribution is rather chaotic, although some radial lines could be seen.

The middle 10 seconds show the distributions of the cubes of the prime numbers. Every black dot is on the same circle, but its location along the circle is based on the 3-rd power of the number modulo 720. Obviously, the prime dots are grouped in several radial streams.

The final 10 seconds show the rather shocking distribution of the 12-th power of the primer numbers. It appears that except for the first three prime numbers, the 12-th power of all the rest land themselves on the same slot of each circle!

Thus, is p is a prime number greater than 5, then p^12=720n+1 for some integer n.

There is nothing magic in 720. If we choose 360 slots or even 144 we still get a similar result. For those of you, thinking about asking to see the distribution of the 13-th power ... the answer is disappointing. The 13-th power of primes are distributed quite chaotically. Sorry.

The music used in this animation is from "Nullsion" by Xelysion


Descubrir 5 palabras del lenguaje matemático presentes en el texto del Número Primo y en la siguiente sopa de letras: 


A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because only 1 and 5 evenly divide it, whereas 6 is composite because it has the divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and 6. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic establishes the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique up to ordering. The uniqueness in this theorem requires excluding 1 as a prime because one can include arbitrarily-many instances of 1 in any factorization, e.g., 3, 1 × 3, 1 × 1 × 3, etc. are all valid factorizations of 3.
The property of being prime (or not) is called primality. A simple but slow method of verifying the primality of a given number n is known as trial division. It consists of testing whether n is a multiple of any integer between 2 and \sqrt{n}. Algorithms much more efficient than trial division have been devised to test the primality of large numbers. Particularly fast methods are available for numbers of special forms, such as Mersenne numbers. As of February 2013, the largest known prime number has 17,425,170 decimal digits.
There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. There is no known useful formula that sets apart all of the prime numbers from composites. However, the distribution of primes, that is to say, the statistical behaviour of primes in the large, can be modelled. The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability that a given, randomly chosen number n is prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, or to the logarithm of n.
Many questions around prime numbers remain open, such as Goldbach's conjecture (that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes), and the twin prime conjecture (that there are infinitely many pairs of primes whose difference is 2). Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory, focusing on analytic or algebraic aspects of numbers. Primes are used in several routines in information technology, such as public-key cryptography, which makes use of properties such as the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors. Prime numbers give rise to various generalizations in other mathematical domains, mainly algebra, such as prime elements and prime ideals.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013


Autor: Profesores de Matemática
Área: Matemática
Nivel: Segundo Ciclo

INTRODUCCIÓN conjuntos numéricos son conjuntos cuyos elementos son exclusivamente números y que tienen en común una serie de propiedades. Por ejemplo el sistema más usual en aritmética natural está formado por el conjunto de los números naturales, con la suma, la multiplicación y las relaciones usuales de orden aditivo.
TAREA partir de la división en 6 grupos que realizamos en clase, cada grupo deberá realizar un trabajo investigativo sobre uno de los conjuntos numéricos. Según el sorteo realizado le corresponde:

Al grupo 1: El Conjunto de los números naturales.
Al grupo 2: El Conjunto de los números complejos.
Al grupo 3: El Conjunto de los números reales.
Al grupo 4: El Conjunto de los números irracionales.
Al grupo 5: El Conjunto de los números racionales.
Al grupo 6: El Conjunto de los números enteros.

¿En qué consiste el trabajo?

Cada grupo deberá realizar una investigación histórica sobre el conjunto numérico que le fue asignado, preparando una presentación en power point con fecha de entrega límite el 7 de octubre la que luego será compartida con el resto de la clase. Cada presentación deberá constar de autores destacados, definición, propiedades, momento histórico de surgimiento, ejercicios y/o problemas que involucren al conjunto numérico respectivo, datos salientes.
CONTROL día 30 de setiembre deberán realizar una presentación previa vía mail a donde se muestre los datos recogidos en la investigación. A partir de ésta se le realizarán sugerencias a efectos de mejorar la propuesta.
EVALUACIÓN evaluará el trabajo realizado en:

1)El respeto de las fechas acordadas para la presentación previa y final de la investigación.
2)El cumplimiento de las distintas demandas del trabajo.
3)La correcta información recabada.
4)La correcta aplicación de lo aprendido a ejercicios y/o problemas.
5)La presentación en clase que permita observar el trabajo colectivo.
CONCLUSIÓN trabajo requerido propone una investigación grupal por parte de los estudiantes y tiene como principales objetivos: el aprendizaje de los distintos conjuntos numéricos, el trabajo en grupo y el uso de algunas de las herramientas tecnológicas que disponen.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

¿Que es y como funciona una WebQuest?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites.

A WebQuest is distinguished from other Internet-based research by three characteristics. First, it is classroom-based. Second, it emphasizes higher-order thinking (such as analysis, creativity, or criticism) rather than just acquiring information. And third, the teacher preselects the sources, emphasizing information use rather than information gathering. Finally, though solo WebQuests are not unknown, most WebQuests are group work with the task frequently being split into roles.

A WebQuest has 6 essential parts: introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion. The original paper on Web Quests had a component called guidance instead of evaluation.
The task is the formal description of what the students will produce in the WebQuest. The task should be beautiful(?), meaningful, and fun. Creating the task is the most difficult and creative part of developing a Web Quest.
The steps the students should take to accomplish the task. It is frequently profitable to reinforce the written process with some demonstrations.
The resources the students should use. Providing these helps focus the exercise on processing information rather than just locating it. Though the instructor may search for the online resources as a separate step, it is good to incorporate them as links within the process section where they will be needed rather than just including them as a long list elsewhere. Having off-line resources like visiting lecturers and sculptures can contribute greatly to the interest of the students.
The way in which the students' performance will be evaluated. The standards should be fair, clear, consistent, and specific to the tasks set.
Time set aside for reflection and discussion of possible extensions.
Use in education
This section is in a list format that may be better presented using prose. You can help by converting this section to prose, if appropriate. Editing help is available. (March 2012)
Teachers use WebQuests to:
Keep students on-task while online. (Student activities are organized by the WebQuest and they can stay focused on using information rather than finding it.)
Extend students' thinking to the higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy; analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Support critical thinking and problem solving through authentic assessment, cooperative learning, scaffolding, and technology integration.
Introduce a unit, conclude a unit, or provide a culmination activity.
Foster cooperative learning through collaborative activities with a group project.
Encourage independent thinking and to motivate students.
Enhance students’ technological competencies.
Differentiate instruction by providing multiple final product choices and multiple resource websites. Using multiple websites as reading content allows students to use the resource that works best for their level of understanding.
Encourage accountability Specific task guidelines and/or rubrics are provided from the beginning of the WebQuest project, so that all students are aware of exactly what is expected of them.
Enhance the development of transferable skills and help students to bridge the gap between school and "real world" experiences.
Provide a situation in which students acquire information, debate issues, participate in meaningful discussions, engage in roleplay simulations and solve problems
Encourage students to become connected and involved learners.
Move themselves into the role of coach and adviser rather than the sole source of information.
Limitations of Web Quests.
WebQuests are only one tool in a teacher's toolbox. They are not appropriate to every learning goal. In particular, they are weak in teaching factual recall, simple procedures, and definitions.
WebQuests also usually require good reading skills, so are not appropriate to the youngest classrooms or to students with language and reading difficulties without special design and effort (for example, bringing in adults to read the screens out loud.)
How WebQuests are developed.

Learners typically complete WebQuests as cooperative groups. Each learner within a group can be given a "role", or specific area to research. WebQuests may take the form of role-playing scenarios, where students take on the personas of professional researchers or historical figures.
A teacher can search for WebQuests on a particular topic or they can develop their own using a web editor like Microsoft FrontPage or Adobe Dreamweaver. This tool allows learners to complete various tasks using other cognitive tools (e.g. Inspiration Software, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel, and Publisher). With the focus of education increasingly being turned to differentiated instruction, teachers are using WebQuests more frequently. WebQuests also help to address the different learning styles of each students. The number of activities associated with a WebQuest can reach almost any student.
WebQuests may be created by anyone; typically they are developed by educators. The first part of a WebQuest is the introduction. This describes the WebQuest and gives the purpose of the activity. The next part describes what students will do. Then is a list of what to do and how to do it. There is usually a list of links to follow to complete the activity.
Finally, WebQuests do not have to be developed as a true web site. They may be developed and implemented using lower threshold (less demanding) technologies, (e.g. they may be saved as a word document on a local computer).
Many Webquests are being developed by college students across the United States as a requirement for their k-12 planning e-portfolio.
Developments in WebQuest methodologies.

The WebQuest methodology has been transferred to language learning in the 3D virtual world Second Life to create a more immersive and interactive experience.
WebQuests are simple webpages, and they can be built with any software that allows you to create websites. Tech-savvy users can develop HTML in Notepad or Notepad++, while others will want to use the templates available in word processing suites like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. More advanced web development software, like Dreamweaver and FrontPage, will give you the most control over the design of your webquest. Webquest templates allow educators to get a jump start on the development of WebQuest by providing a pre-designed format which generally can be easily edited. These templates are categorized as "Framed" or "Unframed," and they can have a navigation bar at the top, bottom, left, or right of the content.
There are several websites that are specifically geared towards creating webquests. Questgarden, Zunal, and Teacherweb all allow teachers to create accounts, and these websites walk them through the process of creating a webquest. OpenWebQuest is a similar service, although it is based in Greece and much of the website is in Greek. These websites offer little control over design, but they make the creation process very simple and straightforward.

Alternatively, teachers can use one of a number of free website services to create their own website and structure it as a webquest. [Wordpress and Edublogs both allow users to create free blogs, and navigation menus can be created to string a series of pages into a webquest. This option offers a greater deal of flexibility than pre-made webquests, but it requires a little more technical know-how.

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


Descubrir 5 palabras del lenguaje matemático presentes en el texto del museo matemático y en la siguiente sopa de letras:


1. Surf the web and find a text related to your teaching career. Please fulfill these requirements:
a. an academic text.
b. a valid authentic source

Science Museum Math Exhibit

geometry.pre-college,, Fri, 17 Jun 1994
Geometry Center staff collaborated with the Science Museum of Minnesota to produce a museum exhibit on triangle tilings. Starting with a module for Geomview written by Charlie Gunn, staff members Tamara Munzner and Stuart Levy, with assistance from Olaf Holt, worked with exhibit developers at the museum to make software and explanations which are accessible and interesting to the general public. This is an especially difficult task at a museum; the average length of stay at the exhibit is only about five minutes. Despite this, the Geometry Center and museum collaborators managed to create an exhibit which contains sophisticated concepts such as tilings of the sphere and the relationship between tilings and the Platonic and Archimedean solids. Here is a brief description of the exhibit.
The sum of the angles of a planar triangle is always 180 degrees. Repeated reflection across the edges of a 30, 60, 90 degree triangle gives a tiling of the plane, since each angle is an integral fraction of 180 degrees. Figure 1 shows the exhibit's visualization of these ideas.

Figure 1

What about a triangle whose angles add up to more than 180 degrees? Such triangles exist on the sphere. Whenever the angles of such a spherical triangle are integral fractions of 180 degrees, repeated reflections across the edges give a tiling of the sphere. The exhibit shows this for triangles with the first two angles always 30 and 60 degrees, and the third angle selected as 45, 36, or 60 degrees. See figure 2.

Figure 2

A spherical triangle which tiles and a point of the triangle, called the bending point, uniquely determine an associated polyhedron as follows. Repeated reflection through the edges of the triangle gives a tiling of the sphere, each tile of which contains a reflected version of the bending point. These bending point reflections are the vertices of the associated polyhedron. The edges are chords joining each bending point and its mirror images. The faces are planes spanning the edges. Associated to the spherical triangle which tiles the sphere, there is a flattened triangle which tiles the polyhedron. The bending point is the only point of the flattened triangle which is still on the sphere. See figure 3. Also compare the spherical tiling with marked bending point in figure 2 with the associated polyhedron in figure 4.
Figure 3

Tilings of the sphere and polyhedra visually demonstrate the idea of a symmetry group. Each choice of angles for the base triangle selects a different symmetry group. Reflections across the edges of the base triangle are the generators of the group. In the language of group theory, the vertices are images of the bending point under the action of the group. The choices of group and bending point completely determine the polyhedron.

The exhibit software allows the viewer to move the bending point to see how the resulting polyhedron changes. For particular choices of bending point, the resulting polyhedra are Platonic and Archimedean solids. See figure 4. The software allows viewers to see the relationship between these polyhedra more easily than would a set of models. Using the mouse, viewers can watch the polyhedron change as they drag the bend point. Thus they can begin to understand the idea of duality of Platonic solids, as well as the idea of truncation to form Archimedean solids.
Figure 4

The triangle tiling exhibit is currently on view at the Science Museum of Minnesota. In addition to the software, the exhibit contains books and posters explaining the software, toys for constructing Platonic and Archimedean solids, and other gadgets useful for understanding the ideas of tilings of the sphere. For example, the exhibit includes a set of mirrored triangular tubes, each of which contains a spherical or flattened triangle. The mirrored walls make it appear as though inside each tube there is a sphere or a polyhedron. This gives a physical demonstration that repeated reflections of some spherical triangles tile the sphere, and repeated reflections of certain flattened triangles result in the Platonic and Archimedean solids.
The triangle tiling exhibit is successful with museum visitors; around 2500 people use it each week. In addition, the exhibit has been accepted for display at the annual meeting of the computer graphics organization SIGGRAPH. It will be part of graphics display called The Edge. (For more about SIGGRAPH, see Evelyn Sander, "SIGGRAPH Meeting,", 17 August, 1993.)
This article is based on an interview with Tamara Munzner and a visit to the Science Museum of Minnesota. If you are interested in trying the software, which only works on an SGI, it can be downloaded from the Geometry Center's downloadable software libary. The software is also available by anonymous ftp from "" as tritile.tar.Z. The exhibit can easily be duplicated at other science museums. If interested, contact Munzner (

Macintosh Version of Science Museum Software

geometry.announcements, Feb 13, 1995.
As of February, 1995, this software is also available on the Macintosh. Here are the details:
Jeff Weeks has written a Macintosh version of the science museum math exhibit. The program is called KaleidoTile, and is available from the Geometry Center's downloadable software library, or via anonymous ftp from "".

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Comments to:
Created: June 17 1994 --- Last modified: Jun 18 1996

Reference bibliography:
Adapted from:[18 de junio del 2013]
               [18 de junio del 2013]


2- Create:   - two questions to answer using skimming.
                   - two questions to answer using scanning.
                   - two questions to answer using reading in detail.

To answer using skimming:

1-     ¿Cuál es el tema principal del artículo?

2-     ¿Quiénes colaboran con el Museo de Ciencias de Minnesota para producir piezas de mosaicos triangulares?

To answer using scanning:

1-     ¿Cuál es el valor de la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo plano?

2-     ¿Cuál es el promedio de visitantes que recibe el museo cada semana?

To answer using reading in detail:

1-     ¿Cuáles son las tres ternas de valores para ángulos de triángulos esféricos que se enuncian en el documento?

2-     ¿Cómo puede un espectador obtener un sólido Platónico o de Arquímedes utilizando el software mencionado en el artículo?


1-     ¿Cuál es el tema principal del artículo?

      El tema principal es la descripción de la exposición de mosaicos de la esfera y su relación  con los sólidos   
      Platónicos y de Arquímedes.                                                                                                   

2-     ¿Quiénes colaboran con el Museo de Ciencias de Minnesota para producir piezas de mosaicos triangulares?
       Personal del Centro de Geometría de la Universidad de Minnesota.


1-     ¿Cuál es el valor de la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo plano?

      El valor de la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo plano es de 1800.

2-     ¿Cuál es el promedio de visitantes que recibe el museo cada semana?

       Alrededor de 2500 personas lo visitan cada semana.


1-      ¿Cuáles son las tres ternas de valores para ángulos de triángulos esféricos que se enuncian en el documento que se utilizan para construir un mosaico de la esfera?

      Las ternas de valores de ángulos de triángulos esféricos mencionadas son:
-          300, 600, 450;
-          300, 600, 360 y
-          300, 600, 600.

2-      ¿Cómo puede un espectador obtener un sólido Platónico o de Arquímedes utilizando el software mencionado en el artículo?

      El software disponible en la  exposición del museo permite al espectador  mover el punto de inflexión para ver     
      cómo cambia el poliedro resultante. Para las opciones particulares de punto de inflexión, los poliedros
      resultantes son platónicos y sólidos de Arquímedes. (Ver figura 4)

4-To summarize your reading of the text:
a.     Prepare a suitable graphic organizer.
b.    Find a non-linguistic text to illustrate the content of the passage.
c.     Find a non-linguistic or linguistic text to complement the content of the chosen text.

a-     Prepare a suitable graphic organizer.
Personal del Centro de Geometría de la Universidad
Colabora con el Museo de Ciencias  para producir piezas de mosaicos triangulares de la esfera y exponer su relación  con los sólidos  Platónicos y de Arquímedes.

En Minnesota, Estados Unidos.
Son conceptos matemáticos difíciles los que se involucran  la creación de dichos mosaicos de la esfera y su relación con los sólidos Platónicos y de Arquímedes.

A través de un software se pueden establecer los ángulos de base de triángulos esféricos de modo que a través de puntos de inflexión particulares y con reflexiones respecto de los lados del triangulo se obtienen estos poliedros tan particulares de una forma sencilla y con explicaciones accesibles e interesantes para todo el público en general.

a-     Find a non-linguistic text to illustrate the content of the passage.

c-     Find a non-linguistic or linguistic text to complement the content of the chosen text.

Un  Museo de la Matemática es una colección de piezas reunida con el fin de mostrar a la Matemática como una componente de la cultura humana, proporcionando un acercamiento no formal al conocimiento matemático y contribuyendo a su desmitificación como algo reservado a unas cuantas personas, representa una alternativa de divulgación científica. Tiene la importante labor de acercar a los niños, jóvenes y adultos a la matemática a través de medios físicos constituidos por piezas que permiten ser manipulados para ilustrar o comprobar conceptos y resultados matemáticos. Las exhibiciones que allí se realizan ofrecen experiencias enriquecedoras e interesantes que animan a niños y adultos a adquirir un conocimiento profundo de los conceptos matemáticos, hacen que la práctica de las destrezas matemáticas sea sorprendentemente memorable y placentera, ayudan a identificar el éxito obtenido con las matemáticas como algo aplicable y gratificante para sí mismos. 

Reference Bibliography:

de junio[18 de junio del 2013]