miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


1. Surf the web and find a text related to your teaching career. Please fulfill these requirements:
a. an academic text.
b. a valid authentic source

Science Museum Math Exhibit

geometry.pre-college, geometry.college, Fri, 17 Jun 1994
Geometry Center staff collaborated with the Science Museum of Minnesota to produce a museum exhibit on triangle tilings. Starting with a module for Geomview written by Charlie Gunn, staff members Tamara Munzner and Stuart Levy, with assistance from Olaf Holt, worked with exhibit developers at the museum to make software and explanations which are accessible and interesting to the general public. This is an especially difficult task at a museum; the average length of stay at the exhibit is only about five minutes. Despite this, the Geometry Center and museum collaborators managed to create an exhibit which contains sophisticated concepts such as tilings of the sphere and the relationship between tilings and the Platonic and Archimedean solids. Here is a brief description of the exhibit.
The sum of the angles of a planar triangle is always 180 degrees. Repeated reflection across the edges of a 30, 60, 90 degree triangle gives a tiling of the plane, since each angle is an integral fraction of 180 degrees. Figure 1 shows the exhibit's visualization of these ideas.

Figure 1

What about a triangle whose angles add up to more than 180 degrees? Such triangles exist on the sphere. Whenever the angles of such a spherical triangle are integral fractions of 180 degrees, repeated reflections across the edges give a tiling of the sphere. The exhibit shows this for triangles with the first two angles always 30 and 60 degrees, and the third angle selected as 45, 36, or 60 degrees. See figure 2.

Figure 2

A spherical triangle which tiles and a point of the triangle, called the bending point, uniquely determine an associated polyhedron as follows. Repeated reflection through the edges of the triangle gives a tiling of the sphere, each tile of which contains a reflected version of the bending point. These bending point reflections are the vertices of the associated polyhedron. The edges are chords joining each bending point and its mirror images. The faces are planes spanning the edges. Associated to the spherical triangle which tiles the sphere, there is a flattened triangle which tiles the polyhedron. The bending point is the only point of the flattened triangle which is still on the sphere. See figure 3. Also compare the spherical tiling with marked bending point in figure 2 with the associated polyhedron in figure 4.
Figure 3

Tilings of the sphere and polyhedra visually demonstrate the idea of a symmetry group. Each choice of angles for the base triangle selects a different symmetry group. Reflections across the edges of the base triangle are the generators of the group. In the language of group theory, the vertices are images of the bending point under the action of the group. The choices of group and bending point completely determine the polyhedron.

The exhibit software allows the viewer to move the bending point to see how the resulting polyhedron changes. For particular choices of bending point, the resulting polyhedra are Platonic and Archimedean solids. See figure 4. The software allows viewers to see the relationship between these polyhedra more easily than would a set of models. Using the mouse, viewers can watch the polyhedron change as they drag the bend point. Thus they can begin to understand the idea of duality of Platonic solids, as well as the idea of truncation to form Archimedean solids.
Figure 4

The triangle tiling exhibit is currently on view at the Science Museum of Minnesota. In addition to the software, the exhibit contains books and posters explaining the software, toys for constructing Platonic and Archimedean solids, and other gadgets useful for understanding the ideas of tilings of the sphere. For example, the exhibit includes a set of mirrored triangular tubes, each of which contains a spherical or flattened triangle. The mirrored walls make it appear as though inside each tube there is a sphere or a polyhedron. This gives a physical demonstration that repeated reflections of some spherical triangles tile the sphere, and repeated reflections of certain flattened triangles result in the Platonic and Archimedean solids.
The triangle tiling exhibit is successful with museum visitors; around 2500 people use it each week. In addition, the exhibit has been accepted for display at the annual meeting of the computer graphics organization SIGGRAPH. It will be part of graphics display called The Edge. (For more about SIGGRAPH, see Evelyn Sander, "SIGGRAPH Meeting," geometry.college, 17 August, 1993.)
This article is based on an interview with Tamara Munzner and a visit to the Science Museum of Minnesota. If you are interested in trying the software, which only works on an SGI, it can be downloaded from the Geometry Center's downloadable software libary. The software is also available by anonymous ftp from "geom.math.uiuc.edu" as tritile.tar.Z. The exhibit can easily be duplicated at other science museums. If interested, contact Munzner (munzner@geom.umn.edu).

Macintosh Version of Science Museum Software

geometry.announcements, Feb 13, 1995.
As of February, 1995, this software is also available on the Macintosh. Here are the details:
Jeff Weeks has written a Macintosh version of the science museum math exhibit. The program is called KaleidoTile, and is available from the Geometry Center's downloadable software library, or via anonymous ftp from "ftp://geom.math.uiuc.edu/pub/software/KaleidoTile".

[HOME] The Geometry Center Home Page
Comments to: webmaster@www.geom.uiuc.edu
Created: June 17 1994 --- Last modified: Jun 18 1996

Reference bibliography:
Adapted from: http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/[18 de junio del 2013]
                        http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/docs/forum/museum/ [18 de junio del 2013]


2- Create:   - two questions to answer using skimming.
                   - two questions to answer using scanning.
                   - two questions to answer using reading in detail.

To answer using skimming:

1-     ¿Cuál es el tema principal del artículo?

2-     ¿Quiénes colaboran con el Museo de Ciencias de Minnesota para producir piezas de mosaicos triangulares?

To answer using scanning:

1-     ¿Cuál es el valor de la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo plano?

2-     ¿Cuál es el promedio de visitantes que recibe el museo cada semana?

To answer using reading in detail:

1-     ¿Cuáles son las tres ternas de valores para ángulos de triángulos esféricos que se enuncian en el documento?

2-     ¿Cómo puede un espectador obtener un sólido Platónico o de Arquímedes utilizando el software mencionado en el artículo?


1-     ¿Cuál es el tema principal del artículo?

      El tema principal es la descripción de la exposición de mosaicos de la esfera y su relación  con los sólidos   
      Platónicos y de Arquímedes.                                                                                                   

2-     ¿Quiénes colaboran con el Museo de Ciencias de Minnesota para producir piezas de mosaicos triangulares?
       Personal del Centro de Geometría de la Universidad de Minnesota.


1-     ¿Cuál es el valor de la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo plano?

      El valor de la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo plano es de 1800.

2-     ¿Cuál es el promedio de visitantes que recibe el museo cada semana?

       Alrededor de 2500 personas lo visitan cada semana.


1-      ¿Cuáles son las tres ternas de valores para ángulos de triángulos esféricos que se enuncian en el documento que se utilizan para construir un mosaico de la esfera?

      Las ternas de valores de ángulos de triángulos esféricos mencionadas son:
-          300, 600, 450;
-          300, 600, 360 y
-          300, 600, 600.

2-      ¿Cómo puede un espectador obtener un sólido Platónico o de Arquímedes utilizando el software mencionado en el artículo?

      El software disponible en la  exposición del museo permite al espectador  mover el punto de inflexión para ver     
      cómo cambia el poliedro resultante. Para las opciones particulares de punto de inflexión, los poliedros
      resultantes son platónicos y sólidos de Arquímedes. (Ver figura 4)

4-To summarize your reading of the text:
a.     Prepare a suitable graphic organizer.
b.    Find a non-linguistic text to illustrate the content of the passage.
c.     Find a non-linguistic or linguistic text to complement the content of the chosen text.

a-     Prepare a suitable graphic organizer.
Personal del Centro de Geometría de la Universidad
Colabora con el Museo de Ciencias  para producir piezas de mosaicos triangulares de la esfera y exponer su relación  con los sólidos  Platónicos y de Arquímedes.

En Minnesota, Estados Unidos.
Son conceptos matemáticos difíciles los que se involucran  la creación de dichos mosaicos de la esfera y su relación con los sólidos Platónicos y de Arquímedes.

A través de un software se pueden establecer los ángulos de base de triángulos esféricos de modo que a través de puntos de inflexión particulares y con reflexiones respecto de los lados del triangulo se obtienen estos poliedros tan particulares de una forma sencilla y con explicaciones accesibles e interesantes para todo el público en general.

a-     Find a non-linguistic text to illustrate the content of the passage.

c-     Find a non-linguistic or linguistic text to complement the content of the chosen text.

Un  Museo de la Matemática es una colección de piezas reunida con el fin de mostrar a la Matemática como una componente de la cultura humana, proporcionando un acercamiento no formal al conocimiento matemático y contribuyendo a su desmitificación como algo reservado a unas cuantas personas, representa una alternativa de divulgación científica. Tiene la importante labor de acercar a los niños, jóvenes y adultos a la matemática a través de medios físicos constituidos por piezas que permiten ser manipulados para ilustrar o comprobar conceptos y resultados matemáticos. Las exhibiciones que allí se realizan ofrecen experiencias enriquecedoras e interesantes que animan a niños y adultos a adquirir un conocimiento profundo de los conceptos matemáticos, hacen que la práctica de las destrezas matemáticas sea sorprendentemente memorable y placentera, ayudan a identificar el éxito obtenido con las matemáticas como algo aplicable y gratificante para sí mismos. 

Reference Bibliography:

de junio[18 de junio del 2013]

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